Spectacular World of Jewish Music inspires diverse, multigenerational Israeli audiences through exposure to and education about the rich and varied heritage of Jewish music. We stage live concerts of familiar and lesser-known works, arrange smaller performances, and offer lectures and workshops in Hebrew and English. Strategic partnerships with other organisations enable us to expand our reach to additional community groups, and enhance their Jewish music experience.
The Team
Dedication. Experience. Passion
Jeffrey (Yaakov) Fisher

Jeffrey (Yaacov) Fisher's involvement in promoting Jewish music began in early 2018, when he established the non-profit Spectacular World of Jewish Music (SWOJM), with the aim of bringing Jewish music - in all its rich variety - to the forefront of the stage in Israel.
Fisher’s switch to culture, specifically to Jewish music, came after a 45-year long career as an economist.
A music-lover from birth, his involvement with Jewish music today is definitely a career and not a hobby. After producing tens of concerts and shows, SWOJM is currently recognized, both in Israel and
abroad, as a major player on the Jewish music scene.
Dr. Laurence Jacobs

Laurence is Welsh and has 3 children and 5 grandchildren. He became a dentist after which he made Aliyah. After 2 years, he returned to London, and opened a dental surgery and worked there until he had to take early retirement due to a disability. He emigrated to Toronto where he worked as a chazzan, barmitzvah teacher and movie extra, and an actor in musicals, operas and television.
He returned to London and worked as a vision therapist and chazzan. He made Aliyah again, lived on a kibbutz and in Zichron Yaakov and has returned to live in London.
Joe Lederman

Joe’s introduction to Jewish music came via joining a London Synagogue choir in 1944 and has been involved in choirs almost without a break since then. His 27-year career as Banquet Manager with Hilton International gave him an excellent grounding in arranging a variety of events - dinners, conferences, major televised events...
Joe's been associated with SWOJM from its outset and contributes his musical skills to the new venture and become a sounding board for SWOJM’s Founder Jeffrey Fisher, whose daring projects appeal to Joe. He finds his assistance to achieving the aim of bringing the full spectrum of Jewish music to the stage most rewarding.
Rebecca Goldsmith

Rebecca Goldsmith joined the SWOJM team in 2018. Her role is mainly helping in administration. She made aliya, from Australia, with her family, in 1989, and worked as a nutritionist in the Ministry of Health for 30 years. She also teaches nutrition to International students in two of the Hebrew University's programs. Since retiring, she has become the Jerusalem Coordinator for ESRA's English tutoring program.
A Jerusalem resident, she and her husband have between them 5 children, and 24 grandchildren. Many of whom are very talented musically. She herself only tinkers a little on the piano, but absolutely loves listening to music, of many genres.
Dr. Aaron Katchen

Dr. Aaron L. Katchen is a historian specializing in the Jews in the Greco-Roman World and in Jewish-Christian relations in early modern times. He holds the PhD from Harvard University in The Classics and Jewish History. In addition to his academic appointments, he is the Executive Director Emeritus of the Association for Jewish Studies.
He made Aliyah in 2007 to join all his children and grandchildren. He is an avid cyclist and participates every fall in the ALYN Bike Ride. He is also a trained Hazzan, a clarinetist, and a lover of classical music, and is happy to support SWOJM.
Mike Sokoloff

Music has been a part of Mike’s life since a very early age. At 6, he began studying the accordion, continuously until 16, learning both classical and modern music, at weekly lessons with different teachers. Four years ago, Sokoloff joined the Accordion Orchestra in Jerusalem, led by Emil Eibinder, and has been an active member since then. The Orchestra performs both Jewish and non-Jewish music and plays for charitable organizations.
As an undergraduate at UPenn, he sang in the Hillel Choir and has been a chorister for many years in Israel also. Music has always been an integral part of his cultural life and he is happy to be part of SWOJM under the direction of Jeffrey Fisher.
Ruth Musael

Ruth was born in Australia. After studying History and Anthropology at Sydney University, she spent a year in Italy. Following Librarianship studies, she came to Israel in 1969 for a year, to study Hebrew and work, but married and raised her family here. She worked for 35 years as a librarian and in public relations, at the Weizmann Institute, Tel Aviv University Medical Library, hi-tech information centers, and for the last 20 years, headed the Library of Veterinary Science in Beit Dagan.
Ruth has always loved classical music and Chazanut and exposure to all types of music. She's a very active concert and theatre goer, and since retiring to Tel Aviv, is enjoying the endless cultural activities available and vitality of life in this city.
Sharon Levinson
Sharon made Aliyah to Jerusalem from Newton, MA. With an M.A. in Social Work, her career focused on Jewish Communal Service and Volunteer Management. As National Field Consultant for Amit Women and Director of North American Activities for the Pardes Institute, she influenced community agendas, developed leadership, and served populations with diverse affiliations. Before retirement, she directed a nonprofit management consultant program providing pro bono services to various organizations. She served on the board of Maayan, Boston’s Women’s Torah Study Initiative, and was President of the Synagogue Council of MA. A lifelong lover of Jewish music, she sang in the Zamir Chorale of New York and Jerusalem, and Boston’s Koleinu. Sharon and her husband have a daughter and 3 adorable grandchildren.
Rosemary Linsider
Rosemary Linsider made aliyah to Jerusalem from Albany, NY with her late husband, Joel Linsider, z”l, in 2010.
In Albany, she was the Director of the Daughters of Sarah Senior Community’s Jewish Foundation, where she
coordinated a 5-million-dollar capital campaign.
Rosemary has sung in the Radcliffe Choral Society, the Harvard-Radcliffe Chorus, and Albany Pro Musica. From 1989 to 2002, she founded and managed the Ne’imah Jewish Community Chorus, whose mission is to bring Jewish choral music to the Albany area.
Rosemary is pleased to continue promoting Jewish music as a member of Spectacular World of Jewish Music.